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Harmonic Software

We help companies build reliable AI applications

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Hi I'm Daniel Sosebee, founder of Harmonic Software. Harmonic Software is a California LLC that provides AI product advising and full-stack development services, working closely with clients to apply the latest and best AI tech to their business needs.

On the technical side: I specialize in retrieval-augmented generation and cognitive architectures — enabling LLMs to reliably follow workflows and interact with domain-specific data. I also work on cognitive architectures for human workflows through projects like Methodable.

If you're looking for help with your AI product or strategy I'd love to speak with you. Reach out to info@harmonic.so and we can set up a call.


The Josh Bersin Company

Galileo by The Josh Bersin Company

AI assistant trained on 25 years of proprietary HR research

Sana Labs

Sana AI

Agent framework for trustworthy execution of multi-step enterprise workflows

The Digital Abacus

The Digital Abacus (open source)

Interactive web app for mathematical modeling


Methodable (open source)

Web tool for complex human workflows (winner of grant from Make a Better Computer)


I often describe the period before Daniel as “a bunch of academics moving boulders around.” Afterwards it was like “magic hands,” with many things moving quickly and effortlessly into place.

Daniel is extremely easy to work with and highly collaborative... I would strongly recommend Daniel to anyone needing quality software development and intend to hire him myself in the future.
- Paul Dancstep, founder of The Digital Abacus
Harmonic Software